Monday, March 7, 2011

The Healthy Plate

The "Healthy Plate" also known as the Idaho Plate Method and other names for with plate in the title is the new standard for beginner diabetes meal planning and teaching. The American Diabetes Association has placed a huge focus on this method - developing education materials, etc. Honestly, this plate method can work for everyone and isn't just for diabetics. It's the easiest method of meal planning that I've taught to people - not only does it help guide portion sizes but also emphasizes fruit and vegetables.

The Healthy Plate is based on a 9-inch plate filled with half vegetables, 1/4 (preferably lean) protein, and 1/4 bread/starch/grain as well as a serving of fruit and a serving of (preferably low-fat or fat free) dairy on the side (if you're hungry enough).

I'm not going to pretend like I eat like this all the time, but I've definitely been trying to emphasize it more in the meals that I plan. I've started using a smaller plate and trying to add more vegetables into dinners. Like I tell clients, small steps is what it takes to make long-term changes. The Healthy Plate is one method that makes Healthy Eating that much easier.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

For the program I coach for, we teach this principle, but we call it the 9-inch plate. I love it. I feel so much better when I eat this way!