Monday, March 28, 2011

New York City Ad Campaign

I just posted 3 videos from a New York City Ad campaign against soda consumption. In one of my rotations, in an attempt to "keep me busy," I was able to track down some results from the campaign, but can't remember them all right now. Without any data or any sources to back this up, the campaigns resulted in a significant number of people reducing the amount of soda they drink.

Just think though...are you pouring on the pounds?? How much soda do you drink in one day? In one week?


Emmers said...

I totally showed these at my most recent food service in services for NNM... people were so grossed out by the fat from the can one... nasty!

lovintheempteenest said...

I have discovered a Ginger Root Beer and a "Dr Pepper" at Whole Foods. You know I don't like carbonated beverages . but we have started stocking these drinks for an occasional beverage option and a to provide a choice of beverage for guests. The principal ingredient is Stevia. 0 calories, no caffeine, nothing artificial the can touts.. . . or rather the writing on the can does. What do you think of stevia? How about beverages containing them. . any downside to occasional consumption of such an item?

Lauren said...

You know I don't drink much soda either. I can't justify the cost. Honestly, I have no opinion of Stevia. It is a "natural," no-calorie, sweetener, which is great for people who still like to add sweetener to coffee or tea or in this case, it's already in a soda. However, many people I've talked to hate the after taste. We still don't know if Stevia has any possible harmful effects (just because it comes from a plant doesn't mean it's good for you), but I would say that if you're only drinking them once in awhile then it's no big deal. It's daily, obsessive soda (especially the kind with aspartame/HFCS) drinking that I really have a beef with.