Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My attempt at the Mediterranean Burger

We all know I love Busboys and Poets. It's a must-stop in DC for me. So when I loaded up on grass-fed ground beef (on sale for $2.99/lb) at Whole Foods in September, I knew the first thing I wanted to do with it: recreate the Mediterranean Burger from Busboys.

I chopped up some onion and some parsley and mixed it with a 1/2 pound of ground beef. I had Aaron throw it on the grill while I smeared some goat cheese on a some sandwich thins (Busboys uses pita pockets) and sliced up some lettuce and tomato. Voila! Of course, it's never as good as the real thing, but it's pretty dang close.

Side Note: these were accompanied by Alexia Sweet Potato Fries. My mom introduced me to their oven fries and I was so excited when I found the sweet potato version. They pair perfectly with the Mediterranean burger and are an easy side to any meal involving a burger or the like.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

yum, that is what i got when we went there & i really loved it, can't wait to try this one out!