Monday, May 24, 2010

FRESH The Movie

"FRESH is just that--an upbeat and wonderfully fresh look at our food system and how to make it work better for the health of humans and the planet. It’s a must see for everyone who eats."
-Marion Nestle, Paulette Goddard Professor,
Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health, New York University

“We all know about the problems with the American food system, but what about the solutions? FRESH is a bracing, even exhilarating look at the whole range of efforts underway to renovate the way we grow food and feed ourselves.”
-Michael Pollan, Author, In Defense of Food
"Absolutely first-rate...The film is not a preach-fest; it’s an informative, inspirational, swiftly-edited and beautifully scored movie. What the doc does best is demonstrate… that nature's own ways of doing things - nature's food chain, nature's circle of life - is, ultimately, the best treatment of land and livestock."
-Moving Pictures Magazine

"FRESH, The Movie, in contrast to Food Inc. presents a vision of the possible by profiling heroes all over the country who are changing the way we eat. FRESH'S strength is that it shows…how organic, ecological farming methods can be viable."

"It is becoming increasingly clear that for all its past benefits, the industrial food system no longer serves the best interests of people or the planet. FRESH begins to suggest what at least part of our future food system might look like...."
-Frederick Kirschenmann, Distinguished Fellow, Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture

"FRESH is a rich and inspiring meal. FRESH offers not only a serious look at where we are and a useful primer on how we got there, but repeated heart-lifting demonstrations that there are ways to produce food that are safer, kinder and more natural."
-Joan Gussow, Author, and Professor Emeritus (Nutrition), Columbia University Teachers College

 I really want to see this movie...there are screenings in June in Silver Spring, MD and in Washington DC (none in Richmond of course)...I think I may have to make a trip up there just to see it. Anyone else interested?

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