Saturday, July 24, 2010

Summer Corn Rice Pilaf

On our way back from Virginia Beach in June, we stopped at a Baybreeze Farms stand on our way home for various fruits and vegetables, but most importantly, fresh sweet corn. I had a special recipe in mind for this favorite rice recipe in the world...Summer Corn Rice Pilaf. This was my special request dish anytime I would come home from college. It is practically perfect in every way. I could eat this rice all the time and never, ever tire of it.

2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1 cup Basmati rice, uncooked (Basmati rice is key!)
4 ears of corn, shaved from cob
4 shallots, sliced
pinches of sugar, salt, and pepper
1/4 cup mint leaves, chopped

1. Melt 1 TB butter in a small saucepan and add the rice and stir until it is well coated. Add water, increase heat to high, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium low, cover, and simmer until all of the water is absorbed and the rice is tender when bitten, about 18-20 minutes. Remove from heat, uncover, fluff with a fork.

2. Meanwhile, in a large skillet over medium heat, melt remaining butter and add corn kernels, shallots, and the pinches of salt, sugar, and pepper. Cook, stirring occassionally to prevent burning, until corn and shallots are soft and tender, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat.

3. Combine rice and corn mixture in a medium bowl. Add mint and toss to combine. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve.

1 comment:

NaredilaAna said...

Hi! Could you please tell us how much water do we need to cook basmati the way you do it? Thank you!!!